Product Piracy
Like all good things in the world our Orbitador camera seat system was copied from very early on.
Media Luso/ Portugal subsidary of Mediapro distributes copies of the Orbitador 500 superflat in the Mediapro group commercially since many years.
The Chinese companies Secced and Gension are specialized in copying all kinds of broadcasting equipment. They have been offering a 1:1 rip-off called the “hero” camera seat system. The Secced copy scores with a particularly low quality and poor finish of the copied product.
Egripment/ Netherlands soon made a wannabe copy, which they are marketing under the name of “Sportsbase”.
The Egripment copy is a nice try but no serious competition for the Orbitador. Firstly it is a quite complicated set-up, secondly it consists of too many parts. Last but not least the seat of this system is directly connected to the camera, whereby shock motions are transmitted from the operator to the camera.
In either case we want you to give us a chance to prove that our patented Orbitador system is the product of choice in camera seats regarding the quality of manufacturing, the steadiness of the resulting shots and the integrity of our mobile concept. All of these verifiable features justify the higher price counterbalanced by a better product delivery, durability and longevity.
Orbitador camera seats and cable drums are IP-protected. We therefore recommend you to avoid the risk of being obliged to put one of these copies out of service.
WO03/041400 A1 | PCT/DE02/04136 | EP 1 449 356 B1 | DE 101 55 005 C 1 DGM 201 18 501.6 DE 10 2009 026 208 A1 | PCT/DE2010/075061 | WO 2011/009456 A2Placing an order for any one of our products includes full and unlimited acceptance of our intellectual property rights and patents. Every completed order automatically includes the agreement that the client will abstain from all intellectual property and patent infringement like counterfeiting or the copying of complete parts of our portfolio or of components of our product series. The legal prosecution of a breach of regulations under this agreement is subject to prosecution under German Law. The place of jurisdiction is Düsseldorf/Germany. Under this contract, the infringing party also agrees that they will bear all costs incurred by the legal action filed against them as a consequence of their violation of supplier’s IP and patent rights. It is up to the supplier, how they want to resolve evident cases of intellectual property and/or patent infringement through counterfeiting or product piracy – if they want to resolve the case before a court of arbitration or if they want to take further legal action.

Media Luso/ Mediapro Spain
Copy of Orbitador 500 superflat

Secced | Gension/China
Copy of Orbitador 500 superflat called “Hero” pdf.hero

Egripment/ Netherlands
Copy of Orbitador 500 superflat called “Sportsbase”