Quality Management
Orbitador products strictly strive for top quality to achieve extreme longevity resulting in low total cost over an extremely long lifetime
The quality management of Orbitador products is based on the regulations of EN ISO 9001.
The entire production including the final in-house assembly – consisting of our own machine outfit and very few certified ISO 9001 component suppliers is located in Bremen/ Germany.
We are experts for computer-controlled machining, manufacturing and assembling based in Bremen, executing the entire processes of fabrication and delivery of camera seats and high grade cable drum systems under the brand Orbitador.
We provide the entire production and order processes starting with quotations as well as assigning and controlling the best qualified local subcontractors and the final in-house assembling, quality control and shipping. For all requests please click here.
We provide transparent and comprehensive processes, from the conception of a project to getting it ready for the market as well as the design and manufacturing of tailored solutions such as the Orbitador 500 spaceshooter.
As an expert in aluminum welding and high-end assembling, we manufacture and supply a comprehensive delivery program of Orbitador cable reel systems optimised for fibre technology since 2004 as well.
We developed a high vertical integration into our production what makes us highly independent from suppliers and gives us a maximum control over our production process.
An in-house production depth of 95% allows for rapidly adapting and modifying all our product lines in a steady product development same time maintaining a maximum of control during all processes.
The high requirements on quality and product safety of the Orbitador product lines are not negotiable. That’s why almost all products and components are consequently manufactured in-house allowing for full control at any time.
Final quality checks are made comprehensively by verifying, testing and documenting each single part with every single unit before shipping. This mode assures to avoid costly reclamations and returns for our customers and ourselves as our equipment goes out to countries all over the world.
No single unit had to be sent back to the factory since our start in 2001.
Quantity is something you can count – Quality is something you are counting on
We are steadily working on improvements to fulfill our brand promise and our main focus is the satisfaction of our customer`s needs. Please share your criticism with us. Your feedback is needed and appreciated, it contributes to continuously improve our products.
Thank you for supporting us!